Welcome to the

happiest place on earth


What is the Feast?

The Feast is a weekly gathering of the members of the Light of Jesus family in locations across the country and around the world. It is a place in which we grow as a community, enriching our lives not just spiritually, but in other aspects as well. It is one of the happiest places on Earth, and we dream of 1,000 Feasts all over the world.

Why is it called the Feast?

It is called the Feast because it is where we gather to celebrate God’s love for us and for our brothers and sisters.

What happens in the Feast?

Every week, we gather as a family and begin in praise and worship and offer it to God. It is followed by a talk given by our Feast Builders that refreshes and recharges us, preparing us for the week to come. It is also through the Feast that we participate in other activities–outreach programs, retreats, where we meet and bond with members of our community.

Is it free?

Absolutely! All you need to do is bring yourself, wear a smile on your face, and prepare to have fun. You can also bring friends and family with you.

Are only Catholics welcome at the Feast?

We are all God’s children, so anyone who wishes to attend is very much welcome.

Can I bring children to the Feast?

The Feast in itself is a family, so of course you can bring your children with you. What better way to grow with them as you go on thus journey together? It is also important to note that there are several different ministries within the Feast that address each member’s needs — Couples Ministry, Singles Ministry, Youth Ministry, Awesome Kids Ministry, Solo Parents Ministry, and Gracious Living Ministry. We also have a special room and session for children called Awesome Kids Ministry.

I am not religious, so why should I go to the Feast?

Everyone wants to be happy. To be accepted. To be loved. At the Feast, you are welcome as you are, accepted as you are, and loved as you are. It is a place without judgement. A place where you can be safe and feel at home.


Regional Mega Manila Builder

Arun Gogna is a much sought-after national and international motivational speaker. He is a former Theology professor at the De La Salle College of St. Benilde where he taught for ten years. He acquired his Masters in Theology Degree from Don Bosco Center of Studies, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. He is also the founder of CreativeHouse Inc., an organization specializing in trainings, values formation seminars for companies, schools, universities and organizations. Bro. Arun is a recording artist and best-selling author. He is married to orthodontist, Dr. Lallaine Lucas-Gogna and they have two children, Andrea Helene and Yohan Gabriel.

Mike Viñas is a passionate preacher, worship leader, and stock market investment trainer. He is a Certified Securities Representative and a Certified Investment Solicitor. He is a graduate of De La Salle University – Manila with two degrees, a Bachelor of Science in Commerce Degree Major in Marketing Management and a Bachelor of Arts Degree Major in Communication Arts. He continues his pursuit for learning and training, as a student of the Loyla School of Theology in Ateneo De Manila University taking up Masters in Pastoral Ministry.

James Nicolas leads Feast SM Southmall every Sunday. He started preaching at the age of 17 and has served as Youth Leader, Worship Minister, Musical Head and Mentor to various Catholic Communities. He is married to an Engineer, Veronica G. Nicolas and they have 3 wonderful children – Miguel Paolo, Patricia Andrea and Enrico Luis Nicolas.

Velden Lim is a fun and dynamic motivational speaker, preacher, vlogger and author. He is the President and CEO of Fired Up Human Resources Training Services, a company that gives trainings and seminars to companies, government institutions and organizations. He is also the Feast Builder of Feast SM Bicutan where he preaches every Sunday in SM Bicutan Cinema. His advocacy is all about inspiring people particularly in the area of relationships. He believes that life is great when relationships are in order.

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Spreading God's Word

March 26, 1978, Tito Gene (Eugenio Sanchez Sr.) and Tita Pilar attended their first prayer meeting held by the Upper Room Prayer Group in Project 7, Quezon City.

The Sanchez’s attended the prayer meetings regularly, bringing along their children. In one of those meetings, a leader of the Upper Room, looking at the Sanchez’s youngest son Bo, then only 12 years old, prophesied that the boy would be speaking to thousands about God.After 18 months, the Sanchez’s decided to organize their own prayer group, named the Light of Jesus, and held their first prayer meeting at the garage of their home at 56 Chicago Street, Cubao, Quezon City, on September 9, 1980, with Bo leading the meeting.The following year, 30 regular attendees of the prayer meetings formed the Core Family of what was then called Light of Jesus Community.

The LOJ Family Grows BiggerT

In the ‘80s, as the Core Family went out to establish prayer meetings in various parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces, members of the Light of Jesus or LOJ rapidly increased in number. The members, coming from various walks of life, were grouped into “families,” composed of 30 to 50 members, such as the Love Family, Strength Family, Joy Family, Peace Family, Faith Family, and the Glory Family.The families built more prayer meetings and so LOJ organized branches such as the Discipleship Communities for Christ (DCC); Homes for Christ, for couples; Youth Mission for Parishes and Communities (YMPACT); Esther, for single women professionals; Joshua, for single men professionals; and Tabitha, for single mature women. In the 1990s, as members went to the Visayas and Mindanao to establish prayer groups, more people joined the Light of Jesus. And so the community was organized into various regions, districts, and chapters. Each chapter was composed of caring groups, the nucleus of the entire organization, composed of five to 15 members.

Fulfilling The Vision Of Spreading God's Word

By the early 2000s, Bro. Bo established the Feast, a Sunday prayer gathering with Holy Mass, lively worship, and series of talks on practical Christian Living – first held at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City. The members of the LOJ regions and chapters were reorganized to build more Feasts which showed videos of talks of Bro. Bo in the main Feast.Come 2009, Bro. Bo, following leading from the Lord, assigned Feast Builders, well known preachers and authors of spiritual books, who established new Feasts. Today, there are now over 150 Feasts, led by these Feast Builders.Light of Jesus has also gone international, establishing prayer groups in key areas in Asia, the Middle East, the United States of America, United Kingdom, Oceania, Canada and the Bahamas which are also holding Feasts.

Gone South

In 2009, South Feast was launched comprising of the areas under Light of Jesus’ LAMP (Las Pinas, Alabang, Muntinlupa, Paranaque) District, including Laguna, Cavite and Batangas. All LOJ leaders and members in these areas volunteered to serve. Hermie Morelos initiated the organizational setup with Arun Gogna as the Feast Builder. “The happiest place on earth” became the tagline.

The soft opening in June of that year was done in the smaller Festival Mall cinema after a problem prevented it from having SM Southmall as the Feast venue.

South Feast session formally opened in July, 2009 at Cinema 10 Festival Mall, initially with one session. Then another session was added due to the increasing number of attendees.

However, attendance kept on soaring that even the 2 sessions were no longer enough to seat all the attendees. A bigger and more spacious venue needed to be found soon.

Providentially, the space at the 2nd level of Festival Mall became available when the previous tenant, a Christian church, vacated the area. Funds were needed to pay for the initial rent, renovation and for the purchase of fixtures and equipment.
A fund-raising campaign was jumpstarted by the Builder and leaders who committed to a certain amount, then more pledges and donations poured in.

And the Feast Center came into being – “the happiest place on earth” and our home for almost 7 years.

South Feast was also transformed. It was renamed Feast Alabang after Cavite and Laguna set up their own Feasts with their own Feast Builders.

Feast Alabang became a district.From the initial 1 venue, it has expanded to 5 locations with 8

Wednesday Feast Alabang (Festival Mall) opened in June, 2011.

Saturday Feast Alabang opened in October, 2012 but was eventually discontinued due to the closure of the Center


Feast SM Bicutan commenced in February, 2013.

Feast Acacia started in April, 2013 then later became Feast ATC in September 2013. It has been renamed Feast Bellevue PM after it moved to Bellevue Hotel in January, 2017.

Feast Southmall opened its doors to the attendees in August, 2016 mainly tended by the servants from Saturday Feast Alabang.

And what about Feast Festival Alabang? As the number of attendees continued to grow, the limited space at the Center became a concern. It moved to Bellevue Hotel in July, 2015 and became Feast Bellevue with 2 sessions and 2 masses.


What is a Light Group?

Light Groups are small groups of 12 to 15 people who meet each week to pray together and share how God’s Word applies in their lives.  Light Groups are the main tool of discipleship in the Light of Jesus Family.

Why Light Groups?

By Bo Sanchez:

I’ve discovered the problem of the world. After thirty long years of ministry, I’ve come to the conclusion that what makes the world sick is really just one problem. It's the core problem behind every divorce, every war, every depression, every financial lack, every addiction...What is our core problem?  We feel unloved. Larry Crab, dean of Christian counselors, calls it by another term: Disconnection. This is our soul wound.  This is what makes us fall. Primarily, we’re disconnected from God love.  We don’t experience His love, perhaps because as a child, we were not loved in our families.   Point: How can we receive God’s love if we don’t even know what it looks like?And how do you heal this soul wound? By getting into healing relationships.  Some psychologists call it “being re-parented” by other loving people.That’s why I believe in Light Groups.  I’ve been part of Light Groups for 30 years now—and I’ve seen its power.Light Groups can be places where quiet, unspectacular healing happens.  They can be places where one gets connected with others—and receives God’s love.This is the essence of Church.  Not the rituals.  Not the doctrines.  It’s the imperfect relationships that will heal us of our soul wound.  (Please don’t get me wrong.  Rituals and Doctrines are very important.  But it’s not as important as love.) Go ahead.  Find new friends in the Light Group.  Love and be loved.  And experience church.  And be healed.

What happens during light groups?

We have four “S” parts in a Light Group Meeting. First, after a short opening prayer, we always start with a Starter Question. This makes everyone get to know each other more. Usually, we ask people to share on God’s blessings the past week.  In this way, we build your faith and help you have a positive mindset.  Of course, you can share your problems, and believe that God has a hidden blessing in them. And then the Light Group leader gives a Summary of the topic, plus read supporting Bible passages.  Because the Feast is for “outsiders”, the preacher usually doesn’t quote too many Bible passages.  But in the Light Group meeting, we can go deeper and read these Bible passages together. The next part is Sharing how we apply the topic in our lives.  People take turns answering a selected question. The meeting ends with Supplication. People can ask for prayers for specific needs.  We then pray for each other. Wherever they meet, Light Groups usually serve simple food in their meetings.  Expenses are shared.  Light Groups meet at homes, coffee shops, offices, malls, and fast-food places. Meetings usually last for one to two hours.  Usually, people stick around after the meetings for fellowship. Have fun!


Let’s start them young! The Awesome Kids Ministry (AKM) gathers up kids, aged 3 to 12, of Feast attendees, and makes sure that they undergo formation. You can think of it as the Sunday School of the Feast. AKM coordinates with the Light of Jesus Family-Central regarding the various community-wide activities for kids. They also conceptualize and implement the various activities for kids, such as children’s workshops, trainings, and performances.

Bring your children to the AKM area to start them young.



The Youth Ministry handles the various formation and activities of the youth, aged 12 to 21. The Youth Ministry likewise coordinates with the Light of Jesus Family Youth Central, regarding the various community-wide events and activities, like the Youth Camps and the Brighter Conference which happens every year at The Kerygma Conference. They also get to serve in the various Feast events and activities: they can provide technical support, be part of the dance group, music choir, warmth, and be prayer intercessors, among others. The Youth undergoes various mentoring programs that equip, train, and prepare them as future servant leaders.

The goal of Youth Ministry is to bring the young ones closer to God. This is accomplished by engaging them in One on One Discipleship and thru Light Groups (LG).

Join the ministry by signing up with a Youth Light Group.



The Singles Ministry is responsible for the formation and others activities designed for single Feast attendees, aged 21 and above, who have never married. They conceptualize and implement activities, fellowship nights, recollections, and retreats, among others, for these single people. Some of their most notable events include Shout!, Chill and the regular Love Life Retreat. We can likewise rely on them to serve in the various Feast events and activities. The goal of the Singles Ministry is to reach out to Singles and journey with them as disciples. Let them be a part of your journey. To walk with you. To walk with God. Expect unconditional love and support from them.

Join the ministry by signing up with a Singles Light Group.


The Couples Ministry is in charge of the various formation and activities of married Feast couples. Part of their task is to conceptualize and implement activities for couples every month. They regularly conduct Lux Couples Retreat, a retreat for married couples, the goal of which is to bring Christ into the marriages of the participants. Also, you can always rely on the Couples Ministry to serve in different capacities during many events and activities of the Feast.

The goal of Couples Ministry is to bring couples closer to each other and closer to God. Couples will find deeper meaning in their relationship as husband and wife and a deeper understanding of God’s role in their marriage as well as a fresh start for their marriage.

Join the ministry by signing up with a Couples Light Group.


The Solo Parents Ministry makes sure that various formation and activities are held for solo parents. Solo parents, as defined by Fr. Dennis Paez, would be the widows, widowers, annulled, divorced, separated, or those with distant spouses, usually working and living overseas.

As with the Couples Ministry, they conduct solo parents’ fellowships, recollections, and retreats on a regular basis. The Solo Parents also volunteer their services during Feast events and activities.

Join the ministry by signing up with a Solo Parents Light Group.


The Gracious Living Ministry is the newest addition under the Life Group category. Its pioneer members have been tasked to handle the formation and various activities for our elderly, those aged 60 and above, who are single, solo parents, or couples. They conceptualize and implement activities and fellowships for the said group. Count on them to serve, as well, in different capacities, during the various Feast events and activities.

Join the ministry by signing up with a Gracious Living Light Group.


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Here are convenient ways to send your love offering.

Your giving allows us to continue with our ministry of bringing more people to God and nurturing those valuable support groups that make the Feast happen. Help us continue blessing other people not only to sustain our existing operations but grow God's kingdom where He leads us. We need your support!

In order to live a blessed life, we must live a generous life. In Proverbs 11:24-25 it says, “One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”

“This is God’s nature. This is also how God created the universe. It gives back more to those who have given, and takes away from those who amass.

Whether we believe in this or not, the wealth of the generous “increases” more than the amount given.” - Arun Gogna, iGive Bulletin, July 2014)

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